Sep 5, 2007

First Day...

Guess what? It's the very, very, very first day of school. This year, I'm going to high school. So, a whole new selection of classes for me to enjoy, or not. A lot of new stuff to worry about. Ahh, school.

No one reads this blog anymore, I'm like in a world of non-existence. So, this blog is more of a journal for me to look back on in the future, to laugh at my stories and see what I was like back then. I'm thinking about quiting blogging at the end of this year; things are getting too hectic. I can better handle something like Twitter of Tumblr. A full-force blog, not so much. So, I might restart some time later, but I know at the end of this year, I'm stopping.

I'm going to have to leave soon, so I better go and get to school. Bye bye!

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