Jan 26, 2007

What to Say, What to Do?

Another busy week...filled with new ideas, cool videos and websites, lots of chatting with my friends, and working on the normal load of homework.

I'm in desperate need of an mp3 player because I'd reallly like to listen to my music on the bus every morning to get a smile on my face and a tune in my head. You know how there's that one song you hear and you just can't get it out of your head? Especially if it's like a really annoying jingle? I hate that. But I really like it when it's a song I like because then it's like listening to music wherever you want, even while taking a test in class! I'm studying a theory to see if there's any difference to listening to a memmorized song in your head and listening to the real deal with headphones. This could be promising.

Let's start out with the tweak.

Weekly Tweak: chat with as many groups as possible while eating a pizza during lunch.
I successfully talked with ten groups today: five outside in the courtyard and five in the caffeteria. I just talked for like a minute for each group, taking at least two bites of pizza per group. But enough of that. I usually eat at my table of friends...Nathan, Scott, Alex, Chris, Henry, Ian, John... A new experience.

And now for two new segments for Familiar Friday: Video of the Week and Sites of the Week!

Cool Video: BumpTop 3D Desktop Prototype

The link for this video can be found here.

This is all about a new type of desktop interface that's based on how we organize papers by piling them into stacks. It also has physics, so larger objects seem to weigh more. Did I mention this is with a touch-screen? Additional information can be found at http://bumptop.com/

Cool Sites:


This site offers a new list of Photoshop tutorials from various websites every day. These when adapted can also be used with The GIMP, Serif Photo Plus, or any other graphic design software. On rare occasions, you'll also find digital photography tips, like how to photograph smoke or taking steady pictures without a tripod. This site has a lot to offer, so take your time and browse through the mondo-sized list of 12,821 tutorials (as of 1-26-06)! And if you subscribe, you can keep track of a list of your favorite tutorials, let others see your pics, and change the front page to show what you want.

Web 2.0 Magazine Blog Post: Top 100 Web 2.0 Sites

Web 2.0 is here. It makes sites attractive, easy to use, and capable to share with others. Web 2.0 sites like YouTube, Blogger, Gmail, and Wikipedia are used every day. Web 2.0 Magazine posted a list of the best 100 Web 2.0 sites all categorized.

And there you have it...

It's time to welcome the weekend and just have fun...and write an essay. Oh boy.

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